Our highly rated KJV Holy Bible app is a convenient way to carry the Bible anywhere on your Android mobile device. This app is the 1769 standardized text revision of the 1611 King James Bible, also known as the Authorized Version (AV).
Our basic version is a powerful and easy to use tool that provides access to search, annotate, bookmark and study the Holy Bible. This new version, World Net KJV, has many additional helpful features making it easy for Christians to form fellowship groups locally and around the world.
Basic Features do not require an internet connection:
- Easy search to find passages containing specific words, word combinations or word fragments.
- Long-press a specific passage to bookmark it, add footnotes or color-code highlight for later study.
- Easily navigate to any book, chapter and verse in seconds.
- Text-to-Speech option that will read the Bible to you in your device’s default voice
World Net KJV is packed full of new features requested by KJV users, including:
- Store and Recall your own Bible notes and Studies from anywhere.
- Back up your notes and transfer them to a new device.
- Create or join groups to study the Bible together.
- Share a verse plus your personal notes by email.
- Easy search to find passages containing specific words and phrases.
- Hold fellowship with other Christians anywhere in the world.
This application is provided to you 100% free of charge and will not annoy you with advertising or ever share your personal information. Some added features in this advanced version require a paid subscription. For more details, see http://WorldNetKJV.com
This application is a powerful tool to unite Christians in fellowship around the world. Please share this empowering and networking innovation with your friends.
Free one-year subscription to the World Net KJV advanced features for the first 1,000 users!